The Importance of Location Intelligence and the Supply Chain Data That Powers It

June 4, 2024

Visibility gets a lot of press as a solution to modern supply chain problems, but data is right up there on the list of essentials to keeping supply chain operations moving forward. At Kestrel Insights, our automated polygon geofencing can be used as a location intelligence tool that yields invaluable data for shippers, logistics service providers, fleet managers, and others across the supply chain landscape.

This week’s look at the headlines includes a number of stories on the power of location intelligence and the importance of data in today’s supply chain. Continue reading to learn more, and get in touch with us to discuss adding advanced geofencing data to your existing tech stack.

Expect Significant Growth in Location Intelligence

The location intelligence industry is set to experience explosive growth in the coming years. New research indicates that the market will expand to $60 billion worldwide by 2032, driven by the “rising demand for spatial analysis” and the need for “location-based insights for targeted marketing, resource optimization, and operational efficiency.”

Automated polygon geofencing is a source of location intelligence, generating data that can be used for a wide range of applications in fleet management and across the supply chain: real-time tracking, safety notifications, centralizing communication, identifying high-risk zones, limiting emissions, moving past unexpected disruptions and events, etc.

Why Leaders Should Become ‘Data Whisperers’

Forbes highlights the importance of location-based data and why executives need to become data whisperers. The article notes that “this data contains insights that can help organizations overcome complex challenges that other technologies have struggled to solve.” And that’s true: Location-based data from sources like advanced geofencing can be transformative for organizations that understand how to harness the data and use it to their advantage.

TDWI shares a similar sentiment, highlighting the uses of spatial analytics in transforming complex data into “visually intuitive maps, charts, and graphs” that allow decision-makers to “swiftly discern spatial patterns, identify outliers, and uncover correlations.”

Within the supply chain, location-based data can be invaluable, as highlighted by recent allegations by shippers that they have been wrongly billed for detention, demurrage, and other fees. Data like that derived from automated polygon geofencing can be used to audit charges and fees, leading to swift resolutions when there’s a disagreement between BCOs and LSPs over invoices.

Data to Mitigate Supply Chain Crises

Tech Brew gets specific on how data and technology can help mitigate supply chain crises. The article mentions Everstream Analytics, a Kestrel Insights customer, and how its platform provides “real-time supply-chain monitoring and risk assessments, mostly for multinational companies with tens of thousands of suppliers, helping guide logistics and procurement decisions.”

The MIT Technology Review discusses the business benefits of optimizing the supply chain with data, including decreased costs and increased productivity. As you build a tech stack that yields the data needed for optimization, consider automated polygon geofencing as an essential part of that stack, one that can help deliver the real-time data needed for optimal decision-making.

The Powerful Role of APIs in Supply Chain Tech

A new story from Supply & Demand Chain Executive highlights the important role that APIs have played in building connectivity into supply chain tech stacks. Without APIs and connectivity, technologies would be fragmented, forcing users to bounce from user interface to user interface while spending a great deal of time helping disparate technologies communicate with one another.

APIs change all that, as many Kestrel Insights users already know. We’ve used open APIs to build turnkey integrations with leading platforms like Samsara and Motive. These API connections allow users to surface data from our automated polygon geofencing within their existing tech stacks and workflows.

Effectively Electrifying Fleets

The U.S. House of Representatives just released a report on the efforts to electrify fleets, and many fleets have already started well down the path to electrification. We recently wrote about the electrification of fleets and the many new tracking needs that will emerge as this shift takes place. Automated polygon geofencing can be an important tool that helps fleets successfully transition to electric vehicles.

Add Location Intelligence to Your Tech Stack

Not only is the data generated by automated polygon geofencing invaluable to your business, but it’s also easy to add to your existing tech stack. Kestrel Insights’ solutions are readily available in leading telematics platforms and other technologies, so you can start enjoying the benefits of advanced geofencing data and location intelligence without significant time spent on implementation and training.

If you’re ready to build out your tech stack to effectively navigate the modern supply chain, we’re here to help. Contact us to get started.